Name: Gibson Quarter
Twitter: @gibsonquarter
Currently working on:
The Organ Grinder for issue #3 of Undertow by 7th wave comics. It's a great story set in the wild west about a cursed organ, a one armed gunfighter who bears it's burden and his chain smoking can you wrong? (More details right here:

First memory of 2000AD?
The amazing 'Block Mania' which lead me directly into the thrill ride that is the Apocalypse War!! From that point on, I was hooked. In hindsight, this was the perfect place to jump on board. I tracked down most of the older progs as quickly as I could after that.
Favourite Character or Story?
Character? Dredd for sure. My two all time favorite stories are: 'Block Mania' (you always remember your first!) and 'The fear that made Milwaukee famous' which inspired the art attached.
What do you like most about the 2000AD?
I like the unpredictability, and feeling of real change in the status quo. The varied and different art styles are a real plus also!
What would you most like to see in 2000AD as it heads to its Forties?
That's easy - a bigger market share for 2000AD in North America. They need more quality anthologies.
If you worked on 2000AD, do you have an anecdote you'd like to share about your experience of Tharg and his minions?
I've not yet had the pleasure of receving Tharg's blessing to be in the prog, but I have recevied a tweet or two from his wife so it must have to happen soon....or scandal may follow! ;-)
• This post is part of a series of birthday tributes from a wide range of comic creators celebrating 2000AD's birthday on 25th February 2012. For more about 2000AD, visit
2000AD © Rebelllion
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