The latest issue of ace Dan Dare magazine Spaceship Away is now out. Spaceship Away costs £6.99 per issue for UK residents and £9.00 per issue for international subscribers, more details can be found here...
Publisher Rod Barzilay had the following to say about the current issue "Issue 12 has 2 scoops - First, Part 1 of a brand new, three part, Dan Dare story by Denis Steeper (called - Murder on Mars) starts. It is set some years after the Eagle stories when Dan is Controller of Spacefleet, and will give readers a taste of the deeper - more adult Dan Dare world that Denis has developed. Secondly, our centre pages have a brand new Bruce Cornwell Dan Dare painting (his first in 45 years!) showing the Zylbat, amongst other things. We also start a new series about some of our contributors, to tell readers a little about them - this time we feature Graham Bleathman. Plus, Jeremy Briggs tells us about the reality of Britain's Rocket Fleet; A reader has a surprise for Keith Page; Don Harley is back on Green Nemesis (he's drawn two pages this time) and all our regular strips continue apace. Part 13 is expected in October.
So to catch up with what's happening in the world of Dan Dare, Jet Morgan (Express Weekly reprints) and Hal Starr (by Sydney Jordan) get in touch with Rod.