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Jesus Redondo in 2004 |
Jesus returns to the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic for the first time in more than a decade with his art on this Tale, 'Birth of Mazzikim', which appears in 2000 AD prog 1737 – available now from all good newsagents and comic shops.
Jesus Redondo was born 8th August 1934 in Valladolid, Spain. His father was a teacher in Cubillas de Santa Maria, and he inherited a love of drawing, literature and other arts.
In 1958, after meeting with Miguel Delibes (then editor of the newspaper El Norte de Castilla), Jesus decided to move Madrid and began work at the advertising agency, Cid, and was appointed as Head of Studio within a year. In 1961, he sent samples of his work to Editorial Bruguera and began his career as a comics artist with the story 'Professor Woosly', dated April 1962.
Down the years, Jesus has worked in various styles and for many very different publications, such as women's magazines, childrens' books and, in comics, on science fiction, heroic fantasy, adventure, thrillers and superhero strips.

downthetubes: We haven't seen your work in British comics for a long time. What have you been working on?

downthetubes: Have you been been keeping up with 2000AD and the people you worked with?
Jesus: Unfortunately not. Last year I met with Carlos Ezquerra, which made me remember old times and I got in touch with 2000 AD and Rebellion again.
downthetubes: Do you still create you art in the same way you drew "The Mind of Wolfie Smith"?
Jesus: I think I still draw the same way and sometimes, they tell me, better. Although things do not always go as you want!
downthetubes: Are you working with digital art tools and which ones?
Jesus: I do not work with digital media. It's a strange world to me and I don't think I'll go there, so I keep my pens, brushes, markers etc.
downthetubes: Which artists most influence you?
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2000AD Terror Tale 'Birth of Mazzikim'by David Baillie and Redondo |
downthetubes: Will you be drawing more for 2000 AD?
Jesus: I'd love to - it all depends on Rebellion. I've always tried to work with friends and I hope that having worked so many years for 2000 AD, [editor] Matt [Smith] will consider me a friend and give me more work.
downthetubes: Do you have a favourite 2000 AD character you would love to draw?
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A page from 'The Mind of Wolfie Smith' © Rebellion |
downthetubes: The comic industry has gone through many changes since you drew strips like 'Suzette of the Silver Sword' and 'Edward' (for the Dutch magazine Tina). Do you think comics still have a future?
Jesus: I hope so, although electronic competition is very strong. I think that having a comic book in your hands, turning the pages, smell the ink... it is very pleasant and always will [always have a place in] a corner of our closet where we store our treasures.
downthetubes: What advice do you give young artists wanting to draw comics?
Jesus: Learn to practice every day and not get discouraged. Learn from the artists who admire and study them, copy them, just for practice.
downthetubes: Do you have a web site or gallery where your fans can view your art?
Jesus: Yes, although there isn't much on it yet - a friend made it for me: http://jesusredondo.carbonmade.com
(Note: this is really a work in progress - we're including the link here for future reference)
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'Wolfie Smith' was also drawn by Vanyo |
Related Links on this site:
• David Baillie's Date with Terror (Tales, that is)
Web Links:
• Jesus Redondo's Lambiek entry
• Detailed Biography on 'Por El Propio Autor' (In Spanish)
• Profile: The Dreamers (in Spanish, published in 2004)
• 2007 Interview on 'El Capitan Trueno' (in Spanish)
Here's our interview in Spanish, for the benefit of Jesus many Spanish fans (and just in case we have mangled Jesus replies!):
downthetubes: No hemos visto tu trabajo en el cómic británico durante mucho tiempo. ¿ En qué has estado trabajando?
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A panel from 'Suzette of the Silver Sword' a strip Redondo drew for Diana in the 1960s |
downthetubes: Has estado manteniendo el ritmo con 2000AD y la gente que ha trabajado?
Jesus: Lamentablemente no. El pasado año me encontré con Carlos Ezquerra, lo que hizo que yo recordara antiguos tiempos y me puse en contacto de nuevo con 2000 AD (Rebellion.
downthetubes: Todavía creas el arte de la misma manera que dibujaste "El pensamiento de Wolfie Smith"?

downthetubes: Si no, estás trabajando con herramientas digitales y cuáles son?
Jesus: No trabajo con medios digitales, es para mí un mundo muy desconocido y al que pienso no entrar por ahora, de manera que sigo con mis lapiceros, pinceles, rotuladores, etc.
downthetubes: Cuales son los artistas que mas te han influido ?
Jesus: Sin duda ninguna, cuando yo empezaba, los artistas que más influyeron en mí, fueron, Jesús Blasco, Alex Raimond, Hal Foster...
downthetubes: Dibujaràs màs para 2000 AD?

downthetubes: Tienes algùn personaje favorito en 2000 AD que te gustaría dibujar?
Jesus: No estoy muy al corriente de las historias y artistas actuales en la revista. Siempre recordaré… 'Mind Wars', 'Wolfie', 'Monster', 'Armagedon', 'Dan Dare' ….
downthetubes: La industria del cómic ha pasado por muchos cambios desde que dibujastes tiras como "Suzette de la Espada de Plata 'y' Edward '(para la revista holandesa Tina). Crees que los cómics tienen todavía futuro?
Jesus: Deseo que sí, aunque la competencia electrónica es muy fuerte. Particularmente pienso que tener un cómic entre las manos, pasar las hojas, oler la tinta….es muy grato y siempre habrá un rinconcito en nuestro armario donde guardar nuestro tesoro,
downthetubes: Qué consejo les das a los jóvenes artistas que quieren dibujar cómics?
Jesus: Que aprendan que aprendan cada día y no se desanimen. Que aprendan de los artistas que admiren y los estudien, que los copien, solo para practicar.
downthetubes: Tienes un sitio web o galería, donde tus fans pueden ver tu arte?
Jesus: Sí, aunque un poco escaso dentro de poco tiempo lo ampliaré. Es decir, un amigo lo hará por mí: http://jesusredondo.carbonmade.com
(Nota: esto es realmente un trabajo en progreso - hemos incluido el enlace aquí para futura referencia)
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Art fr Emma's Gedachten (Tina Issue 42, 2008) |
Good to see Redondo's work in the prog, and even better to hear more from him so soon after the interview in the Megazine. Great stuff.
(One small niggle: I'm pretty sure that last Wolfie Smith illo is by Vanyo…)
That Wolfie Smith cover scan looks like it's from original Wolfie artist Vanyo.
Great interview, so good to see the excellent Redondo in 2000ad again.
Darn it - I think you're right. Seemed just the right image to put near the web links, too...
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