With the release of a Buster Special imminent, former sub-editor Dez Skinn has just posted this 1970s image of the editorial team online. Pictured looking like something straight out of Life on Mars but with comics are the staff of Buster, from left to right: assistant managing editor Sid Bicknell, Dez himself, art assistant Keith Robson, art editor Bill Reid and editor Lennox Wenn.
"Looking at the pic, a few observations," notes Dez, noting the bottle of wine on the desk. "Must have been an office party, hence the happy-go-lucky carefree wild 'n' crazy look we've all got!"
He also notes the half-naked woman on wall, along with defaced royalty snaps and Charlie Peace - Victorian and contemporary versions "His lookalike old Jack Pamby was the artist," Dez recalls. "'Wotcha Yorkie', he'd greet me with on a a weekly basis. I remember he had a decidedly scary grin!".
As for the smoking - yes, people used to be able to smoke inside! - Dez says it was quite an addictive look/taste/habit. "We ended up with three of us chuffing away (can I say that?) on pipes on one office! Lovely smell, but bins full of yucky pipe cleaners and hours wasted poking and puffing, lighting and sucking, stoking and smoking. Ah, heady days indeed..."
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