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Wednesday, 15 June 2011

2000AD - Weekly on both sides of the Black Atlantic!

Since it's 2000 AD day (as it is every Wednesday), a quick note to celebrate a step change in the way it is distributed in the US, which we didn't get chance to plug last week.

From August, the legendary title will be featured in Diamond Distribution’s Previews magazine as individual issues, with October’s Prog 1754 being the first retailers and consumers can order as a single issue.

Presently, copies of 2000 AD are bound in monthly packs of four or five issues that can be ordered from Diamond. This means readers have to shell out up to $25 for a single item.

However, this distribution change means that 2000 AD will once again be a weekly comic on both sides of the Atlantic – giving readers the chance to pick up thirty-two pages of action every week for a fraction of the cost of one of the monthly packs.

Overseas readers who prefer their comics digitally can also download copies of 2000 AD via, with digital releases only a week behind physical copies, and for just £1.49 ($2.44) – making them great value in the current market.

“This is a great step forward in 2000 AD’s mission to bring the best of British to American readers and we’re delighted that we are to become a weekly publication in the US, just like we are in the UK," says Matt Smith, editor of 2000 AD.

“Twenty dollars for one of the monthly packs is a lot of cash to hand over for a single purchase, especially for what to many in the US remains an unknown quantity, so by distributing each issue every week we’re hoping American readers will be tempted by our blend of high-octane action and first class comics talent.”

Rebellion certainly seem to be pushing hard to boost 2000 AD's presence in the US, which is no easy task given the title's different size to US comics - often considered a barrier to grabbing American readers in the past.

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