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Monday 14 July 2008

New Blake’s 7 Designer Speaks

(with thanks to Jeremy Briggs for the link): Scottish newspaper the Queensferry Gazette has just interviewed designer David Carey about his work for the new Blake’s 7 show in development for Sky One.

The British broadcaster revealed back in April that it had commissioned two 60-minute scripts for a potential series, working with Blake’s 7 Productions.

Carey, who works as marketing manager and graphic designer for a global software company in Edinburgh was commissioned by Blake’s 7 Productions and has been working on the branding for the last couple of years. In consultation with the scriptwriters, the producer and all those involved in the story, he has designed illustrations and graphics for the show

Blake’s 7 had been a passion of mine when I was younger,” he told the paper, “and it has been great fun getting involved.”

Hinting at the style of the new take on the classic BBC show, Carey says the look “is an art nouveau, dark Blake’s 7. I try to come up with a good concept and be original.”

There's no news yet on whether there will be any new Blake's 7 comics concurent with the release of the new show, although producer Andrew Sewell does have a long association with comics.

Read the full new item
Visit the Blake’s 7 Productions web site

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