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Monday, 7 January 2013

Dandy Events At The National Library Of Scotland

To tie-in with their free Treasures exhibition on The Art And History Of The Dandy which runs until 3 February 2013, the National Library Of Scotland (NLS) are holding two free Dandy related events.
The first, on Wednesday 9 January 2013 at 1800 is an Adult's Cartoon Workshop to be run by former Dandy editor Morris Heggie and artists Gordon Tait and Steve White. The NLS website describes it as, " Want to know how 'The Dandy' has made generations laugh over the years? 'The Dandy' creative team of Editor Morris Heggie and artists Gordon Tait and Steve White will be giving a workshop into how to draw, write scripts and produce publications. Bring out your creativity as you are guided through every step. Ideas are welcome – you could create a brand-new Dandy character! So if you’re tough enough for eating cow-pie and shaving with a blowtorch, this is a day you’ll never forget!"
The second event is a talk by Morris Heggie on 75 Years Of The Dandy on Tuesday 15 January 2013 also at 1800. The NLS website describes it as " Morris Heggie, Editor of 'The Dandy' and an expert in comic history, will give a never-before-seen presentation on the art and history of 'The Dandy'. Insights into the story of Britain’s longest running comic will open your eyes to how it all happened. There will be a short question-and-answer section where you can find out anything you wanted to know. Make sure to bring along your copy of the final printed 'Dandy', because he will be doing signings."
Both events will take place in the National Library of Scotland on Edinburgh's George IV Bridge and are free. Pre-booking is required and this is available on-line via the NLS website or by phoning the NLS on 0131 623 3734.
There are more details of the National Library Of Scotland, the Dandy exhibition and the two Dandy events on the NLS website.

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