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The downthetubes news blog was assimilated into our main site back in 2013.
Hop over to www.downthetubes.net for other British comics news, comic creating guides, interviews and much more!
Saturday, 24 December 2011
The Best of the Season to all our Readers!
Unlike the talented comic artists whose work we promote here, I can't draw for toffee, so I hope you don't mind this adaptation of a piece of art by the great pulp magazine artist Virgil Finlay.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - although we'll probably be posting more stories between now and the start of 2012!
With the launch of The Phoenix in January, 2000AD's 35th Birthday in February and the continuing strength of the UK indie press, it's not all doom and gloom out there, no matter what the mainstream media would have us believe.
Our thanks to everyone who sent us stories - publishers, individual creators and others - and the very best of luck in your comic endeavours next year.
• More eCards sent to the DTT team here on my virtual fireplace on Flickr
Austerity Reviews of the Year
It is that time of the year when bloggers think of their favourite books, comics and magazines of the year. However since there can be a lot of overlap in what various people consider to be worth mentioning, and you don't really want to have to read several long reviews of the same title, we have decided to do something a little different.
In the spirit of austerity Britain, with everyone having to tighten their belts, we have decided to tighten the word count of these reviews until their pips squeak. These reviews are cheap, cheerful and quick to read as their word count is the grand total of 1.
Now that might sound easy but one word to sum up a favourite British book, comic or magazine of the last year or so is more of a challenge that you might think, especially as we have decided that no one can use the same word twice.
So in the spirit of the time of year the team here at downthetubes, John Freeman, Jeremy Briggs, Richard Sheaf and Ian Wheeler, wish you all a Merry Christmas and in the spirit of the recession we present you with, in alphabetical order, our Austerity Reviews Of The Year.
Written by Gary Spencer Milliage
Published by Ilex Books
Website: www.ilex-press.com/books/alan-moore-storyteller/
Richard: Moore-ish
Bi-weekly comic
Published by Panini UK
Website: www.paninicomics.co.uk
Ian: Efficacious
By writer Robin Etherington and artist Lorenzo Etherington
Published by David Fickling Books
Website: www.davidficklingbooks.co.uk
Jeremy: Manic
Weekly comic
Published by DC Thomson
Website: www.beano.com
Ian: Legendary
Published by DC Thomson
Website: www.dcthomsonshop.co.uk/Group-View_All_Broons_and_Oor_Wullie_Gifts.aspx
Jeremy: Nice
Written by George Low
Published by Carlton
Website: www.carltonbooks.co.uk
Jeremy: Wow
Richard: Essential
Four issues every two weeks comic
Published by DC Thomson
Website: www.commandocomics.com
Ian: Celebratory
Jeremy: Historic
John: Relentless
Weekly comic
Published by DC Thomson
Website: www.dandy.com
Ian: Resilient
Jeremy: Cliff-hanging
Four weekly magazine
Published by Panini UK
Website: www.paninicomics.co.uk
Ian: Expensive
John: Brilliant
Adapted by Jason Cobley with art by Staz Johnson
Published by Classical Comics
Website: www.classicalcomics.com/books/dracula.html
John: Astonishing
Quarterly magazine
Published by The Eagle Society
Website: www.eagle-times.blogspot.com
Richard: Enduring
Written by Steve Holland
Published by Bear Alley Books
Website: www.bearalleybooks.blogspot.com/2011/02/hurricane-and-champion-index.html
John: Fascinating
Richard: Necessary
Four monthly magazine
Published by the Jeff Hawke Club
Website: www.jeffhawkeclub.com
Richard: Bargain
Written by Tom Tully and illustrated by Joe Colquhoun
Published by Titan Books
Website: www.titanbooks.com/johnny-red-falcons-first-flight-3951
Jeremy: Finally
John: Pleased
Written by Xavier Dorison and illustrated by Mathieu Lauffray
Published by Cinebook
Website: www.cinebook.co.uk
Jeremy: Lovely
Richard: (Cinebook in general) Prodigious
Written by Dave Morris and illustrated by Leo Hartas
Currently published by Print Media Productions
Website: www.mirabilis-yearofwonders.com
John: Marvellous
Comics news magazine
Published by Hell Freezes Over
Website: www.multiverse-magazine.com/about.html
Richard: Occasional
Weekly comic beginning on 7 January 2012
Published by David Fickling Comics Ltd
Website: www.thephoenixcomic.co.uk
Jeremy: Anticipation
Richard: Newsstand!
Four-monthly magazine
Website: www.spaceshipaway.org.uk/
Richard: Futuristic
Jeremy: Glossy
John: Wonderful
Monthly comic magazine
Website: www.printmediaproductions.com
(As John and Jeremy both work on Strip we will now point out that "other A4 comic magazines are available" and that Ian and Richard were not threatened with being fed to Hook Jaw if they didn't choose their words carefully!)
John: Exhausting :)
Jeremy: Hurrah!
Ian: Promising
Richard: Retro
Weekly comic
Published by Rebellion
Website: www.2000adonline.com
John: Ace
Written by Alastair Crompton
Published by PS Publishing
Website: www.frankhampson-tomorrowrevisited.co.uk
Jeremy: Gorgeous
Illustrated by Ron Embleton
Published by Book Palace Books
Website: www.bookpalacebooks.com/index.html
Jeremy: Weighty
In the spirit of austerity Britain, with everyone having to tighten their belts, we have decided to tighten the word count of these reviews until their pips squeak. These reviews are cheap, cheerful and quick to read as their word count is the grand total of 1.
Now that might sound easy but one word to sum up a favourite British book, comic or magazine of the last year or so is more of a challenge that you might think, especially as we have decided that no one can use the same word twice.
So in the spirit of the time of year the team here at downthetubes, John Freeman, Jeremy Briggs, Richard Sheaf and Ian Wheeler, wish you all a Merry Christmas and in the spirit of the recession we present you with, in alphabetical order, our Austerity Reviews Of The Year.

Written by Gary Spencer Milliage
Published by Ilex Books
Website: www.ilex-press.com/books/alan-moore-storyteller/
Richard: Moore-ish

Bi-weekly comic
Published by Panini UK
Website: www.paninicomics.co.uk
Ian: Efficacious

By writer Robin Etherington and artist Lorenzo Etherington
Published by David Fickling Books
Website: www.davidficklingbooks.co.uk
Jeremy: Manic

Weekly comic
Published by DC Thomson
Website: www.beano.com
Ian: Legendary

Published by DC Thomson
Website: www.dcthomsonshop.co.uk/Group-View_All_Broons_and_Oor_Wullie_Gifts.aspx
Jeremy: Nice

Written by George Low
Published by Carlton
Website: www.carltonbooks.co.uk
Jeremy: Wow
Richard: Essential

Four issues every two weeks comic
Published by DC Thomson
Website: www.commandocomics.com
Ian: Celebratory
Jeremy: Historic
John: Relentless

Weekly comic
Published by DC Thomson
Website: www.dandy.com
Ian: Resilient
Jeremy: Cliff-hanging

Four weekly magazine
Published by Panini UK
Website: www.paninicomics.co.uk
Ian: Expensive
John: Brilliant

Adapted by Jason Cobley with art by Staz Johnson
Published by Classical Comics
Website: www.classicalcomics.com/books/dracula.html
John: Astonishing

Quarterly magazine
Published by The Eagle Society
Website: www.eagle-times.blogspot.com
Richard: Enduring

Written by Steve Holland
Published by Bear Alley Books
Website: www.bearalleybooks.blogspot.com/2011/02/hurricane-and-champion-index.html
John: Fascinating
Richard: Necessary

Four monthly magazine
Published by the Jeff Hawke Club
Website: www.jeffhawkeclub.com
Richard: Bargain

Written by Tom Tully and illustrated by Joe Colquhoun
Published by Titan Books
Website: www.titanbooks.com/johnny-red-falcons-first-flight-3951
Jeremy: Finally
John: Pleased

Written by Xavier Dorison and illustrated by Mathieu Lauffray
Published by Cinebook
Website: www.cinebook.co.uk
Jeremy: Lovely
Richard: (Cinebook in general) Prodigious

Written by Dave Morris and illustrated by Leo Hartas
Currently published by Print Media Productions
Website: www.mirabilis-yearofwonders.com
John: Marvellous

Comics news magazine
Published by Hell Freezes Over
Website: www.multiverse-magazine.com/about.html
Richard: Occasional

Weekly comic beginning on 7 January 2012
Published by David Fickling Comics Ltd
Website: www.thephoenixcomic.co.uk
Jeremy: Anticipation
Richard: Newsstand!

Four-monthly magazine
Website: www.spaceshipaway.org.uk/
Richard: Futuristic
Jeremy: Glossy
John: Wonderful

Monthly comic magazine
Website: www.printmediaproductions.com
(As John and Jeremy both work on Strip we will now point out that "other A4 comic magazines are available" and that Ian and Richard were not threatened with being fed to Hook Jaw if they didn't choose their words carefully!)
John: Exhausting :)
Jeremy: Hurrah!
Ian: Promising
Richard: Retro

Weekly comic
Published by Rebellion
Website: www.2000adonline.com
John: Ace

Written by Alastair Crompton
Published by PS Publishing
Website: www.frankhampson-tomorrowrevisited.co.uk
Jeremy: Gorgeous

Illustrated by Ron Embleton
Published by Book Palace Books
Website: www.bookpalacebooks.com/index.html
Jeremy: Weighty
Friday, 23 December 2011
Last Commandos of 2011 go on sale

"It doesn’t seem long since I was sending out the details of the first batch of the year but it was 104 issues ago," notes editor Calum Laird. "The good news is we’ve slightly increased our sales over the year and our subscriptions have increased by a whopping 45 per cent.
"This is great news in the current climate."
Commando 4455: Valley of Secret Weapons
Originally Commando No 98 (December 1963), re-issued as No 591 (October 1971)
Script: Eric Hebden Art: Ortiz Cover: Ken Barr
The Valley of Destruction, the Germans called it. It lay deep in the heart of the Tyrolean mountains, and there Germany's most brilliant scientists worked night and day building Hitler's deadly V for Vengeance weapons.
Sun-ray cannons, flying saucers, sound cannons, rocket-propelled tanks and jet-propelled soldiers - strange, terrifying weapons, years ahead of their time.
They were all there in that valley, being made ready to unleash on Britain...
One look at the cover tells you all you need to know about this story," says Calum Laird of this archive tale. "It's a real flight of fancy. (And I don't just mean because there are Germans with jetpacks.)
"Or is it? As more information on the Third Reich's secret weapons programmes comes to light, some of the gear drawn up by Ortiz doesn't seem so far-fetched.
"Perhaps author Eric Hebden, who had been a Major in the British Army, had some inside knowledge -- who knows?
"Whether he did or not, it's a great story and Ken Barr's Nazis With Jetpacks cover sums the whole thing up. Now, I must fly!"

Originally Commando No 94 (November 1963), re-issued as No 587 (October 1991)
Script: Kellie Art: Cortes Cover: Ken Barr
The dull throb of the Dakota's engines pounded remorselessly in the paratroopers' ears as they filed in to their jumping order.
Nobody spoke, nobody smiled, nobody spared a kindly glance for the next bloke in line. Lips were dry and taut, and eyes glowed with a mixture of determination and FEAR!
And even as the red light changed to green for GO, Captain Bob Brown knew that he was the most afraid of all.
Which was all wrong, because he was meant to be officer in charge of this mission, an example to all the others...
"British Paras were involved in no end of covert operations in the Second World War," notes Calum Lard. "This was a problem, because most of them took place under the concealing cloak of darkness.
"Why is this a problem? Well, a dark night is one of the most difficult things an illustrator can ever be called on to draw. By definition, there's very little light to see anything by.
"This doesn't seem to have put artist Cortes off, however. His drawings of the Paras in action at night make superb use of black ink without losing any detail and without looking anything apart from, well, night.
"Kellie's script is as full of action and conflict as you'd want, while Ken Barr's cover leaves you in no doubt about the menace in the title."

Script: Alan Hebden Art: Olivera Cover: Janek Matysiak
As a fireman during the London Blitz, Ted Roscoe was exempt from Armed Forces duty, as his was a reserved occupation deemed important to the war effort. He knew all about danger just the same, though, dodging bombs as he fought fire after fire. However, the Army needed Ted's expertise too and he soon called to the front line.
Here Ted found himself embroiled in a deadly game of survival, with not just the enemy's hand against him!

Script: Mac MacDonald Art: Keith Page Cover: Keith Page
Like wolves, the torpedo boats and gunboats of the Allies and Axis hunted the seas of the Adriatic in packs. Like wolves they fell on their prey, always going in for the kill.
And, just as amongst packs of wolves, there had to be a top dog - would he be British or German?
• The Draw Your Weapons exhibition featuring art from Commando continues at the National Army Museum in London this month and runs until 30th April 2012. For the latest information visit: www.nam.ac.uk/exhibitions/special-displays/draw-your-weapons-art-commando-comics

• Commando Official Facebook page
• Click here for subscription information or write to: D.C. Thomson & Co Ltd, The Subscribers Department, Commando Library, 80 Kingsway East, Dundee DD4 8SL or Freephone (UK only) 0800 318846
• Commando is also available for iPad and iPhone. The apps are free to download through the Apple iTunes App Store and a digital subscription is priced at £4.99 per month, compared to a £99 annual print subscription. For those not sure there are four free issues to download prior to making a purchase.
• Commando Comics iPhone App on iTunes
• Commando Comics iPad App on iTunes
Alan Hebden,
DC Thomson,
Eric Hebden,
Janek Matysiak,
Keith Page,
Ken Barr,
Mac Macdonald,
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Get The Phoenix for Christmas!
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The cover of Issue 1 of The Phoenix |
If you're looking for a last minute Christmas present for the youngr comic fans in your family, The Phoenix - the new weekly comic launching in January - would be an present for children, delivering 32 pages of fantastic story-strip entertainment.
We've now received a copy of their free Issue Zero - offered through Waitrose - and can echo the comments of others who have praised the mix of adventure stories, humour strips and text-based features. It's a lively combination and more focused than its predecessor, The DFC, with some great creators involved.
Right now, you can take out a "Taster" for just £10 or a three month subscription for £24 and save over 30 per cent on the cover price (saving based on £2.99 cover price of £14.95 and £35.88 respectively).
If you subscribe for six months (£54) or a year (£99), you'll get a free binder.
The Phoenix launches on 7th January 2012 - check the official web site at www.thephoenixcomic.co.uk for retail outlets that will be stocking it.
It’s so easy to subscribe, so make sure you take advantage of this offer before it’s too late! (Lines open Mon-Friday 8am - 9.30pm and Sat 8.00am to 4.00pm)
"first fictions" Graphic Novel competition shortist announced
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A Rat’s Tale by Adam Blackman & Dylan Shipley: one of the shortlisted entries. It's based in modern Britan and aims to warn young people about the hazards of 'drug use' and 'addiction' |
The nominees include Hannah Eaton, Thom Ferrier and Tom Eglington, who is paying for his art career by writing comics stories, including the first Tharg’s 3riller which debuted in 2000AD Prog 1740 - "Silver -Tongued Exploits of Cosmo Nibs", drawn by John McCrea.
Novelist Ian Rankin, cartoonist Steve Bell and graphic novelist Bryan Talbot were among six judges that have selected the seven-strong shortlist, joined by graphic novelists Hannah Berry and Ed Hillyer (who is also a début novelist published by Myriad Editions), and Corinne Pearlman, commissioning editor for Myriad’s growing series of graphic titles, now published with the support of Arts Council England.
The shortlisted entries were chosen from a longlist of 21, described by Ian Rankin as "a very high standard overall". Entrants were asked to submit 15–30 pages of a graphic work-in-progress, either fiction or non-fiction, in black and white.
The winning author or team will have their work published by Myriad Editions in 2013.
In all, 74 qualifying submissions were received. The shortlisted entries will be showcased,
and the winner announced, on Saturday 21st January 2012 at First Fictions, a weekend of events championing first novels past and present, jointly organised by Brighton publisher Myriad Editions and the English Department at the University of Sussex.
"We were amazed by the quantity, quality and diversity of the entries," says Corinne Pearlman.
"It was difficult to pick a longlist. It was difficult to pick a shortlist. And it will be difficult to pick a winner."
The seven shortlisted entries include six sole creators and a writer and artist team. They are:
- Adam Blackman & Dylan Shipley: A Rat’s Tale
- Gareth Brookes: The Black Project
- Konstantinos Chrisoulis: Dryland
- Hannah Eaton: Naming Monsters
- Tom Eglington: Amber Sands
- Thom Ferrier: The Enlightenment of Iwan James
- Paula Knight: The Facts of Life
Candidates had to submit between 15 to 30 pages of a graphic work in progress for consideration. The winner will be announced at the First Fictions event, organised by the University of Sussex and Myraiad, on January 21st 2012 and work from the shortlisted entries will be showcased there too. The outright winner will have their graphic novel published by Myriad in 2013.
• For more information, visit www.firstfictions.com
Monday, 19 December 2011
Multiverse comic magazine heads for America

In conjunction with Ardden Entertainment, British-based Hell Freezes Over is launching a US edition of its flagship title. Highly regarded not only by its readers but also by comics professionals, whether they be writers, artists, editors or publishers, Multiverse is the full colour magazine that prompted one reader to say: “The content is informed, easy to read, lacks post-modern nonsense and packed into a well-structured format. I loved the balance of popular heroes and emerging or independent coverage with what comes across as educated and balanced prose.”
Multiverse is Britain’s leading comics magazine. Promotionally priced at $4.99, the first issue of the 68-page American version is being offered on page 239 of the current Previews (for February-shipping product) under order codes DEC110838 and DEC110839.
Discussing the title, publisher/editor Mike Conroy said, “Its main focus will unashamedly be the popular – read commercial – end of the business. That’s not just the ubiquitous superheroes but Star Wars, Star Trek, G.I. Joe, Transformers and similar spin-offs and licenced titles alongside zombies, vampires and other such horrors.
“Even so,” continued the veteran comics author/historian, “we certainly won’t be neglecting the innovators out there on the cutting edge, whether their print run is 100 or 100,000. We’ll be covering their latest titles as they continue to expand the boundaries of our medium.
“My goal has always been to produce an entertaining title that occupies the middle ground between the late Wizard and the moved-to-another-plane Comics Journal, " he added. "That is, just straightforward reportage without to the hype or the cerebral dissection.
"I think Multiverse is that magazine.”
• More info: www.multiverse-magazine.com
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• Publishers: please contact for information on where to post review copies and other materials: editor@downthetubes.net
• Click here to subscribe to our RSS NewsFeed