The issue is available from WH Smiths and Easons, or from the B&MC website.
The Cartoon Museum in central London will be holding an exhibition to celebrate the 70th birthday of the Beano. Entitled the Beano And Dandy Birthday Bash, it will run from 30 July until 2 November.
More details are available at the Cartoon Museum website.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, DC Thomson have published a Beano Special Collector's Edition. This 68 page square bound magazine is a lovely publication which includes pictures of DC Thomson file copies of early Beanos, photos of original artwork of Minnie The Minx and The Bash Street Kids, and a preview from the new Dennis and Gnasher animated series for the BBC.
The Beano Special Collector's Edition costs £4.99 and seems to be selling fast at those main newsagents that have copies. Lew Stringer has more illustrations of it over on Blimey!
amazon.co.uk links:
• Buy Ray Harryhausen: An Animated Life from amazon.co.uk
• Buy The Art of Ray Harryhausen are available from amazon.co.uk
amazon.com links:
• Buy Ray Harryhausen: An Animated Life from amazon.com
• Buy The Art of Ray Harryhausen are available from amazon.com
British creators David Hailwood and Tony Suleri (artist on Cosmogenesis) have a a new webcomic online via Bulletproof Comics (www.bulletproofcomics.co.uk).
Gareth David-Lloyd, best known to a legion of Who-iniverse fans for his portrayal of the super-efficient Ianto Jones in Torchwood, will be making not one but two personal appearances on Saturday 28th of June. The first will be at Nostalgia & Comics store in Birmingham from 11.00am to 1.00pm, followed later in the day with a highly appropriate visit to Torchwood’s home turf in Cardiff from 4.00pm to 6.00pm.
If you want to get away with murder, buy a car. That could easily be the "message" of Woodrow Phoenix' latest graphic novel, Rumble Strip - except that of course, the reality is never that simple. The truth is far more complex and, as Woodrow outlines our increasingly dangerous relationship with cars, deeply disturbing.
Perhaps best known for his work in the 1980s on magazines such as Escape, Blaaam and Blast - and strips such as Sumo Family and Liberty Cat - Woodrow makes no secret of the fact that he himself is a car driver. But neither does he hide his anger at the reckless way people use our roads, endangering not just other car drivers but cyclists and pedestrians... and, the world over, those who cause accidents invariably get away with murder.
Using stark, haunting and attention-grabbing imagery to illustrate the complex mania that road use and road building engenders, Woodrow reveals the terrible effect our "love affair" with cars and speed has had on so many people who have suffered at the hands of incompetent drivers. His powerful polemic is backed up by a huge amount of statistical data -- for example, that over 1.2 million people are killed in road traffic accidents around the world each year. By 2020, road traffic accidents could outstrip stroke and HIV as one of the main causes of preventable deaths.
Want more? In the UK, although cars are regarded as safer, the number of child deaths in road accidents has increased in recent years. (Perhaps because more children are now driven to school rather than walk there, because it's 'safer' -- when it seems it clearly isn't).
Whether you're a pedestrian or a car driver, Rumble Strip does more to illustrate the dangers of the conflicts and accidents of poor road use than any dry statistics: it holds up a mirror to the way cars are used, the way pedestrians are regarded, and the reflection is distinctly ugly,. It's also getting uglier as demands increase for more bypasses, more flyovers, more freedom to use cars - anything that will maintain car drivers pretence of "freedom of the open road". After reading Rumble Strip, I'd say that freedom that is a illusion to the point of delusion, and a general failure to recognise that has comes at a terrible price society as a whole seems incapable of recognising.
This is a timely, well researched and fascinating novel and one which Jeremy Clarkson would probably hate. Surely yet another reason for getting out there and buying a copy...
• Buy Rumble Strip from amazon.co.uk
• Broken Frontier Review
"This is not a book for car lovers, or maybe it is. It would be too easy to say that this is a manifesto against cars. It is not. What it is, is a strong statement about the dangers of the road." Read the Full Review...
• More reviews on publisher Myriad Edtions web site
• See below for detail of a special launch event for Rumble Strip in Brighton on 12 June 2008
"He's marshaling the troops, showing leadership and acting heroically," he said of the alien-busting Brown. "I feel quite sorry for him, so I'm glad I've contributed a bit."
Titan Books have announced the acquisition of the rights to a series of books celebrating the life and work of US Golden Age creator Joe Simon and his collaborations with comics legend Jack Kirby.
The first volume in the set, scheduled for Spring 2009 release, is an illustrated autobiography, Joe Simon, The Man Behind the Comics, followed by The Best of Simon & Kirby, a deluxe hardcover collecting Joe Simon and Jack Kirby’s work in a variety of genres including superhero, crime, detective, and western comics as well as the first romance comic books.
These will be followed by The Simon and Kirby Superheroes, which will feature such costumed heroes as Blue Bolt, Fighting American, Stuntman, and the Fly. These volumes will be compiled with unprecedented access to rare archival material plus exclusive contributions from Joe Simon - and most importantly, these will be the only editions authorized by both Joe Simon and the estate of Jack Kirby.
Jim Hanley’s Universe has provided these incredible prizes:
Grand Prize (1) - The Superman No. 14 statue, Superman: Birthright trade paperback signed by writer Mark Waid, and Superman #676 signed by Vito Delsante, who wrote the issue!
Second Prize (1) - Justice League Animated Superman mini maquette and a signed copy of Superman #676.
Third Prize (1) - Superman #676 signed by Vito
Along with the usual P:R Staff roundtable reviews, fan-favourite writer and DC Universe expert, Mark Waid (Kingdom Come, Superman: Birthright), will be joining in to guest judge the finalists! The winners will be announced on Pulp Secret the following day with commentary from the P.S. crew.
Send in your Superman redesigns to editors@projectrooftop.com, with the subject line, “Superman: Man of Style!” Please include your full name, age, website, and mailing address for prize shipment. All the usual P:R Guidelines apply…except for #7, of course.
• All entries must be received by June 15th, 2008!
An Iron Man cover donated by top British comics artist Jon Haward to raise money to help veteran comics artist Gene Colan who is very ill and has no medical insurance has raised $290 for the cause.
"I wish it was more, but I guess every penny counts," says Jon, who cites Gene Colan as one of his all time favourite artists, who asked downthetubes to help plug the auction item.
The pencils were drawn for the cover of Panini UK's Marvel Pocket Book Invincible Iron Man Volume 1: The Tragedy and the Triumph. The title has just been published in the UK.
Auction organiser Clifford Meth also has several other piece of art on offer to help raise money for Gene, which currently include an unpublished page of Gene Colan art inked by Neal Adams and more.
• Click here to see all the current auction items on ebay
• For more information on this auction and Gene Colan visit thecliffordmethod.blogspot.com