“We’ve had a great response to the release of Part One and interest in the book is continuing to grow,” says Young Gods creator, Ian Sharman. “Hopefully with the release of Part Two people will see that we’re making an ongoing commitment to keep this series going.”
Written by Sharman, Young Gods is drawn by Argentinian artist Ezequiel Pineda and coloured by Mauro Barbosa. The story is set in 2086, a time when humanity faces a new threat -- Extra Humans. The government is struggling to cope with the growing number of mutants, aliens and supernatural beings who are living amongst us. People are beginning to panic and so, in 2050, the Department for Extra Human Affairs was established with a remit to try and contain the problem. By 2086 the situation has escalated, so they have formed a new rapid response strike force, the Young Gods. Who better to police the Extra Human community than Extra Humans themselves?
Orang Utan Comics say they now have plans to continue Young Gods on beyond this initial release, with a six part follow up, entitled Young Gods: Betrayal already in the works.
“The whole series is fully plotted out and the art team are hard at work on the first issue at the moment, and I’ll be handing them the script for the second issue any day now,” Sharman reveals.
“We’re hoping to maintain a bi-monthly schedule with the book as we don’t want to keep people waiting too long between issues.”
Orang Utan Comics have also announced plans to produce a print version of the as yet digital only Young Gods. A 48 page graphic novel collecting parts One and Two in one volume will be available soon through Indy Planet and they’re also hoping to offer the book through comic stores via Ka-Blam’s new ComicsMonkey initiative.
“These are turbulent times for the comic industry,” notes Sharman, who also functions as Orang Utan Comics’ managing editor, “but they’re also throwing up some exciting new opportunities for smaller independent publishers such as ourselves. We’d love to see the full six issue series of Young Gods: Betrayal in print through 2009 and hope to have a trade-paperback collection available in time for Christmas.”

• To find out more about Young Gods, read character bios and creator profiles, please visit www.younggodscomic.co.uk
• For more information on Orang Utan Comics Studio visit them online at www.orangutancomics.co.uk