Provocatively titled Arse Cancer, "it's not just a catchy title," says Gordon. "A year ago I was diagnosed with bowel cancer. I was lucky I caught it early and have beaten it and am back to full health.
"While I was ill, I tried to write about my experiences, at first planning a blog, but it never came out in the way I wanted it to," he reveals. "There are some really moving and heartfelt blogs out there, stuff that will make your heart soar, and stuff that will make you cry like you never thought possible, all tributes to some incredibly brave people. I couldn't write anything like that. It just wasn't what I was going through.
"What I experienced leaned towards the bizarre, off the wall and was all slightly surreal. Writing a comic seemed like a natural way of expressing that.
With art from Newcastle-based artist Cuttlefish, ArseCancer is a comic (if not always an entirely reliable) journey through Gordon's recollections and you can read it at: www.arsecancer.co.uk
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