They've very kindly sent downthetubes copies of the comics and I'm delighted to report that all three are a great read, encompassing three different genres with panache.
Fans of Active Images brilliant Elephantmen might see some similarities between that and c2D4's Last of the Chickenheads, a tale of Samurai chicken Frank and his adventures in a world full of animal/human hybrids in the wake of a plague that has devastated the planet. I'd argue this is much lighter fare, with a tip of the hat to films such as Tremors as mutant conckroach attack rather than Richard Starkings highly charged four colour epic.
Tony Wicks delivers what could easily be a one-off story of a warrior chicken, blending some complex storytelling with an enjoyable art style. There's plenty here to enjoy and enough threads left hanging for new stories.

For me, I think that while less "bang for the buck" than Last of the Chickenheads, Crowman is my favourite of these new titles, set in a sleepy mid-western town at, I'm guessing, the turn of the century. The title's hero, Crowman, is both clever and intirguing, with a mystery enemy that is equally tantalising without being too frustratingtinly enigmatic. There are also the kind of story threads worthy of an episode of Twin Peaks to complement the main plotline and I particularly liked Tony's stark yet vibrant art on this title.

• For the lastest information on C2D4, visit the official web site: www.c2d4.com
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