is a place where these things end up, a place just beyond what we can
normally see and hear... or remember. There are dark forces at work at
the edge of remembering.
This is where The Amnesia Agents come in..."
The first issue of writer Jason Cobley's new A4, 52 page, small press anthology title Amnesia Agents is now available.
"It's been great fun putting this together, my first foray back into small press for some years, "says Jason. "One of the things I wanted to ensure was that this could still be an all-ages comic. I've never been a big fan of gore and swearing for the sake of it in comics, so although this features our friend Hugo the zombie and some scary themes, it doesn't get that 'for mature readers only' tag. I'd like to say a public thank you to all those talented people who contributed artwork and/or scripts to this project at relatively short notice."
Indeed the line-up of creators in the first issue reads like a who's-who of British small press -
Opening page by Jason Cobley & Andy Bloor
The Selkie Wedding by Jason Cobley & Chris Askham (letters by Jim Campbell)
Funny Humpty Dumpty by Dave Bulmer
Never Sleep Again by Gary Crutchley
Runaway by Vicky Stonebridge
Breakfast by Jason Cobley
Leo by Andy Winter & Barry Renshaw
The Screaming Lighthouse by Jason Cobley & Fred O’Rourke
Pub by Jason Cobley & Grant Perkins (pencils) and Mike Bunt (inks & letters)
Bits by Jason Cobley
Closing pages by Jason Cobley & Barry Renshaw
The issue also includes comic strip previews of two of Jason's forthcoming books -
The Signal-Man adapted by Jason Cobley & artwork by David Hitchcock
The Legend of Tom Hickathrift by Jason Cobley & Paul Harrison-Davies
There are more details of Amnesia Agents, and the rest of Jason Cobley's work, on his Writing Coblers blog.
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