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Friday, 2 November 2007

Cosmogenesis Trailers Released

Ramping up its publicity for a 550 page collection of Adam Grose and Tony Suleri's epic SF comic Cosmogenesis: The Chronicles of Quongo, Clown Press have just released several video trailers for the book via YouTube.

The book -- a collection of the (completely overhauled and re-edited) strips from the galaxy-spanning self-published series -- charts the rise of simian Quongo from unwitting adventurer to possible messiah. Using the galactic setting, compared to Star Wars in its richness, the narrative explores the writer's interest of grand cycles of time, numerology, and the recurring motif of mythological lone saviours prevalent in many cultures.

"The story is set within another time and place, in a galaxy not so far removed from our own, yet resides in a higher dimensional reality," says Adam. "The premise comes from an idea that there are many civilisations out there in the Milky Way, yet we can not see them, because our reality is on a lower plane of vibration.

"...The whole story reveals a galaxy coming to the end of a great cycle of time. A time which would bring about a shift in consciousness in each individual and bring about the return of 'Those of Many.'"

The story is an incredible epic, and the collection is certain to attract plenty of interest.

• The Cosmogenesis collection will be available soon from all good bookshops priced £19.95, and from the Clown Press web site
Preview pages
Read more about the creation of Cosmogenesis on Adam's blog

Read a 2005 interview with Adam and Tony on the Engine Comics web site

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