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Friday 30 November 2007

TV Continues in Comics

Fans of American TV are in a tailspin. The current writers strike means The Office, How I Met Your Mother, and even new shows like Pushing Daisies and Chuck are either out of fresh episodes or quickly running out.

Well, over on TV Squad, the team there urge loyal fans not to panic. "You don't need to spend the "strike season" curled up in the corner of your bedroom crying through a pile of TV Guides, remembering the good old days when you didn't already know what was going to happen this week on House.

"Television is alive and well, and even growing ... just somewhere else. Want to know what happened to Jack Bauer before Season One of 24? How about Buffy and the Scooby Gang after the series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? More and more shows are expanding their horizons by telling prequels, sequels and even in-between-quels in comic books, or graphic novels."

The article details many new TV comics including 24, Battlestar Galactica, hypes IDW's Doctor Who (although not the comic strip that has been running for years in Doctor Who Magazine), official continuations of the TV series such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other spin offs from TV shows.

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