So I came across some old artwork the other day and wondered "What the heck is this?" Turns out it's an unpublished first issue of G-Force, a character I created for Marvel UK back in the early 1990s.
So I'm wondering if I should put it up on this site, and what exactly the © situation is on it, any way? I know Marvel UK trademarked all the characters, but do Marvel US now own them? Hmm... It's a bit like trying to work out who owns Wham! and Pow! characters from the 1960s, Time-Warner AOL or Egmont?
Seems to be a week for turning up the past -- just begun the process of interviewing Bryan Hitch for Memorabilia Magazine, haven't talked to him for 10 years. Very strange. Turns out he's been visiting my home town on a regular basis for a few years. Even stranger.
Comic book industry calls on Chancellor to create hundreds of new creative
industry jobs with extension of existing tax relief
Better tax relief for comic publishers a matter of urgency
2 hours ago