downthetubes Pages

Sunday 7 August 2011

Tim Booth conquers pages of latest Spaceship Away

Artist Tim Booth has pretty much taken over the latest issue of Dan Dare and Eagle-inspired comic magazine Spaceship Away, delivering not just art and story on most of its strips but colouring on a new Garth reprint, too.

We're sorry to report the issue doesn't include the second part of the new Dan Dare story "Pre-Emptive Strike". Unfortunately, artist Mike Nicoll was injured in a serious workplace accident and damaged his hand. As a result, he was unable to complete the artwork for the in time for this issue. However, it will continue in Part 25.

(Thankfully, although the accident was serious, Mike tells us he'll be back drawing pretty soon once it's healed and is already working on some new strip ideas).

Tim Booth has stepped in to fill the gap with an extra episode of a new Dan Dare tale,  "Parsecular Tales" that really gets his new story going.

Feature-wise, there are more photos from the Bayord Lodge Dan Dare Studio; a follow up on last issue's "Phantom Fleet" speculation; four new Don Harley artworks; and a newly coloured "Garth" story ("Finality Factor" which was drawn by Martin Asbury.

Three features also return: "Models from Dan Dare's World", "Chat Back" and "Readers' Corner".

• To get Spaceship Away delivered to your door, simply go to and follow the links. Spaceship Away is also available in some specialist magazine shops.

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