downthetubes Pages

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Time for Paul Rainey's graphic novel to come to a close...

The eagerly-awaited final episode of Paul Rainey's acclaimed comic There's No Time Like The Present is now available, bringing the acclaimed 'sci-fi soap' to a close, some six years after it began.

"Part 13 is the super-sized," says Paul, "Well, a little bit longer than usual... It's the conclusion to the long comic strip, or 'graphic novel' I started work on in 2004."

Because of its length, part 13 costs £3.25, but if you order from Paul using the Paypal button on his website, that price includes post and packing to the UK.

"When I started this project in 2004, although I had a clear idea of the overall story, I didn't imagine that that it would run for this long," he notes on his blog.

Now the project has reached completion, Paul is effusive about his many fans who have bought the comic over the past six years. "Their purchases and feedback (but mainly their purchases) have enabled me to see There's No Time Like The Present through to the conclusion I had always intended," he says.

• All 13 issues can be bought from from the strip's online shop. The first 12 issues are also available from GOSH in London and OK Comics in Leeds

• More about There's No Time Like the Present at:

• Interested in sampling There's No Time Like The Present but don't want to spend money on ordering any copies in case it's rubbish? Then read the opening 39 pages online for free here

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