downthetubes Pages

Saturday 17 October 2009

FAB Gerry Anderson Comics

The latest issue of FAB published by Fanderson, the Gerry Anderson Appreciation Society, is now out. FAB is a 64 page A5 full colour fanzine published quarterly and available exclusively to Fanderson members.

Issue 64 includes the third part of the SHADO Personnel Dossier detailing all the characters and actors that worked on Anderson's first live action series UFO, a gallery of behind the scenes photos from the making of Stingray, a feature on the different spaceships that appeared in Fireball XL5, the first part of a series of articles on the making of Space:1999 and an appraisal of the New (CGI) Captain Scarlet episode Grey Skulls.

For British comics fans the issue includes the third part of SF author Stephen Baxter's ongoing series of articles on the various comics that have featured comic strips from Gerry Anderson series. This excellent and very detailed series of articles reaches the little known Candy and Solo comics, respectively the TV21 nursery and junior comics (effectively to TV21 what Robin and Swift were to Eagle). The article runs to a mammoth 14 pages and the issue includes, on the back cover, a page of The Secret Service comic strip from Countdown issue 2 by artist Jon Davis.

• FAB Magazine is available exclusively to Fanderson members. A one year membership costs £22 plus the appropriate postage and also gives you the chance purchase the Club's brilliant range of merchandise - books, CDs, DVDs and much more. Find out how to join and order your membership online here:

Friday 16 October 2009

Matters of Convention: UK Web ‘n’ Mini Comix Thing

yellow_bubbleCLE010.pngContinuing our series of interviews with British comic convention organisers, for this seventh instalment Matthew Badham talks to comic creator Patrick Findlay of the UK Web ‘n’ Mini Comix Thing, which is being held annually in London.

These convention features are being cross-posted on downthetubes, the Forbidden Planet International blog and Fictions. Our aim is to give the conventions themselves some well-deserved publicity and also to, hopefully, spark a wider debate about what’s good and bad about the convention circuit in the UK.

downthetubes: Please tell us about a little about the history of the UK Web 'n' Mini Comix Thing and how it's evolved over the years.

Patrick Findlay: The Thing was conceived as an event to showcase what was at the time a new industry, the web comic, with the traditional homemade comic attached. At the time there were virtually no exhibitions, not proper ones. Inspired by events such as Mocca and SPX in the USA, I saw a clear opportunity for a similarly styled UK event.

It was conceived along the simple idea that the event featured a hall of tables with exhibitors showing their stuff. This simple premise, as opposed to the more grandiose attempt to offer a myriad of attractions such as lectures, juggling, bands, stars and such is the reason why the show has been able to sustain itself over the years. As such, the show has not really changed from day one, other than a venue change in year two and some additional tables for years three and four.

downthetubes: What are the Thing’s overall aims?

PF: The aims of the Thing are to create an environment of creative comic-minded people, primarily for the entertainment of the visitor. It's always the perspective of the visitor that I have in mind, based on my own experiences from years ago when I went to similar events that were later cancelled. As such, the aim is to create a hall full of exciting things to look at, leaving the visitor inspired, invigorated and excited about having attended. Contrary to some beliefs, it's not a show devised to allow creators to make a profit, although that is, of course, a significant side-effect of exhibiting and one of the main reasons exhibitors do attend.

downthetubes: Who is the Thing aimed at? What sort of punters do you hope to attract? Are you family-friendly?

PF: The Thing is aimed at anyone that enjoys web and mini comics, that is, in this day and age, who surfs the web book marking their favourite sites. In the old days it would have been people that scoured the small ads of Comics International for mini comics and such for their small tableside collection. The show is not really family-focussed at all, unless its a family that like to surf the web looking for comics.

I like to advise children to leave their parents safely tied up outside or if left in the car, with the window rolled down a bit.

downthetubes: How effective have you been in getting those kind of people to attend?

PF: Pretty effective. The nerdometer has always gone off the Richter scale, so I’m pretty happy.

downthetubes: Can you give a projected (or actual) attendance figure for the Thing?

PF: It’s hard to tell as there are usually about 150 exhibitors and they make the place look full by default and ticket sales get merged in with everything else. I used to print tickets for 1000 people, in year one. These days it’s three to four hundred people, but I think even that’s a bit optimistic.

downthetubes: What lessons have you learned during your time running the Thing, in terms of its marketing and advertising?

PF: I have learnt that marketing and advertising is a total waste of time, at this stage. Last year the show was run on a completely minimal budget with no advertising at all and it was the best year ever. The fact is that the show is established and kind of stands on its own two feet these days.

downthetubes: Do you use emerging technologies to spread the word about the Thing? Do you have a website or blog, or use email mailing lists?

PF: No blog or e-mail lists at all. I don’t have twitter or anything.

downthetubes: What about print? Do you use print advertising, have a newsletter, anything like that?

PF: No print advertising at all. I used to send out printed flyers to every comic shop in the country but always felt it was a waste of time. I didn't do it last year and as I’ve said it was the best year ever. I also tried printed ads in Comics International, which was completely pointless.

downthetubes: What's the mix in terms of exhibitors at your con?

PF: The mix of exhibitors is fairly even really. I like to think there’s a bit of everything, but in general they are all young creative types, some good, some new to the scene. There’s a handful of pros. I prefer the more amateur end of the spectrum and generally frown on the 'exceptional' talent.

downthetubes: What are your thoughts on the small press comics scene in this country? Does the Thing support the small press and what form does that support take?

PF: The small press is what it’s all about. However, from my perspective that’s the photo copier. There’s not a lot of distinction between web and small press really. Everyone at the show is small press. They are all printing stuff.

I don’t really have direct thoughts on the small press. It’s a bit like having thoughts on cars. I use them, people use them, but I might be a bit vague on the exact details of my car: its blue and has wheels. People print stuff, they are small press. I’m more interested in the art and creativity. It would be better to ask if the Thing supports art and creativity! The answer would be yes.

downthetubes: Do you run workshops/events/panels at the Thing? Please tell us about those and how they are organised.

PF: We run a few things. Its usually a bit piecemeal based on volunteer availability. The panel events are the main feature that requires volunteers from the exhibitors. We aim to offer wall-to-wall panel discussions so that there is always something to sit down and rest your feet at. The panels are generally stage-managed by me.

However, the allocated host generally fails to show up. Last year we had four hosts drop out, one after the other, the last being on the day before the show. These are the biggest problems, but in short they run themselves. There is usually a film show, an art area, and other things.

We used to have a portfolio workshop but it was a bit of a farce. Everyone these days is their own expert. Unlike other shows that seem to conjure guest speakers out of thin air, we have never had any luck in getting clever people to chitchat about their success.

downthetubes: As you've been kind enough to answer these questions, please fell free to big the Thing up a bit. Tell us what you do well, what the Thing's main attractions are and why our readers should attend the next one.

PF: The best thing about the Thing is the huge amount of creative art and comics that you can see and buy. The show offers free plastic bags so it’s easy to get a whole load of comics and such, that you can then read on the train home and leave stacked up by your drawing board or computer or such for future reference, because one things for sure, if you go to the show, chances are your going to go home wanting to do comics yourself.

• The UK Web ‘n’ Mini Comix Thing is held in Mile End in London. The next one is on 27th March, 2010. For details, visit the con’s website:

More Matters of Convention

176: Oli Smith of London Underground Comics

Caption: In Conversation with Jay Eales and Selina Lock

The British International Comic Show: Interview with Shane Chebsey

Hi-Ex, Inverness: A Conversation with Vicky Stonebridge

The Bristol Expo

The Alternative Press Fair

Thursday 15 October 2009

Ricardo Garijo: The Commando List

Following up on our tribute to Argentinian Commando artist Ricardo Garijo who died earlier this month after a long illness, ace archivist Vic Whittle has very kindly sent us a list of his Commando work.

Commando4236.jpgDC Thomson have announced they plan to reprint some of his stories in 2010 as a tribute to the popular creator. A current issue of Commando, "Need To Know", is one of his last works before he died, but his fans may find this list of his work helpful in suggesting titles they would like to see again.

His first Commando title, 2469 Another Tight Spot..., was released in early May 1991, and has yet to be reprinted.

Ricardo did the artwork for over 90 Commando titles and the cover art for one - 3818 Fighting Back!

Included in Ricardo's titles (listed below, numbers in brackets indicate the issue has been reprinted), were four of the "Challenge" series titles, 1994 - 1995.

His last printed title 4236, Need to Know was released this month.

Commando2469.jpg2469 Another Tight Spot...

2485 (4120) Rescue Team

2514 (4110) Death Duel

2543 (4216) Cellar Rats

2557 (4175) Dagger of Doom

2575 Mercenaries!

2592 An Inch from Death

2606 Combat Zone

2617 (3990) Kidnap!

2631 Too many Enemies

2650 Escape Line

2679 (3991) Mafia Gold

2690 (3997) Password to Freedom

2703 The Black Gauntlet

2721 Blood Hostage

2742 Battle Patrol

2746 Rogue Challenge

Commando2774.jpg2774 Space Watch (Cover by Ian Kennedy)

2790 Axel's Challenge

2808 The Satan Challenge

2823 Hired Killers

2837 Wolfe's Challenge

2862 Murder Road

2874 Door Gunner

2898 Forgotten Enemy

2928 Double Identity

2950 Hired to Kill

2993 Joe the Joker

3010 Fear in the Forest

Commando3029.jpg3029 Red Commando

3056 Boxer Terror

3079 The Mutineers

3090 Deadly Safari

3113 Rimble in the Jungle

3129 Battling Bull

3138 Death Zone

3162 Fight for Finland

3173 Bound for Burma

3190 Back to Berlin

3208 Trust Nobody!

3218 Black Sun

3238 Lych's Law

3254 Hold the Highground

3269 Fighters from the Sky

3285 Tiger Killer

3309 Warriors in Time

3330 Watch - and Wait

3343 Camera-Action

3367 Red Double Cross

3382 A Lonely War

3398 Seek the Stingers

3417 Assault Force

3440 A Man to Fear

3455 Curse of the Carsons

3470 The Weakest Link

3489 Know the Enemy!

3505 The Ritter Ring

3528 Code-Name Neptune

3543 The Misfit Maurauders

3553 Terror in the Tunnels

3569 Survival Mission

3586 Desert Jinx

3599 Dive into Danger

3608 Flying Tank

3632 The River Raiders

3642 Misfit Squad

3646 Jimmy goes to War

3665 The Long Road Home

3678 Unseen Enemy

3690 Returned to Unit

3709 Down to Earth

3726 Escape to Siberia

3741 Island of Storms

3750 Bad Move

3762 Deadly Payload

3783 Fighting for the Flag

3792 Driving into Danger

3809 Tank Attack

3818 Fighting Back! (Inc: Cover)

3832 Mystery Mission

3848 Storm Troopers

3865 Aces for Hire

3881 Rocket Man

3897 War of Words

3917 Escape to Survive

3926 Aces on Ice

4068 Sentenced to Death

4105 Strike Squad

4129 Jimmy's Private Air Force

4139 Rebel Army

4211 Storm over Spain

commando_needtoknow.jpg4236 Need to Know

If you have any particular favourites, send your suggestions to Commando via their official web site:

Web Links

Ricardo Garijo: Official Web Site


Commando Magazine: Commando Artist Ricardo Garijo

News Report on Ricardo's Death from El Eco de Tandil (in Spanish)

Bear Alley Obituary by Steve Holland


Prensa Espacial, 26 February 2008 (in Spanish, about his astronaut portraits: Google Translate Link)

Card Work

Monsterwax War of the Worlds Card Images

Commando art © DC Thomson.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

In Memoriam: Ricardo Garijo, Commando Artist


We're sorry to report the death of Argentinian artist and author Ricardo Garijo, a regular contributor to DC Thomson's Commando title, who died earlier this month in his native Argentina after a long illness aged just 55.

"It was a personal shock to learn that he had fallen ill," notes Commando editor Calum Laird in a tribute on the title's web site, "and an even greater loss when I learned of his death. It was too close to home in so many ways."

Commando4236.jpgDC Thomson have announced they plan to reprint some of his stories in 2010 as a tribute to the popular creator. (We have published a list here) A current issue of Commando, "Need To Know", is one of his last works before he died.

A much-honoured artist, author and art teacher in his own country, Ricardo was born in Argentina in 1953. The second son of Spanish immigrant parents, his official website notes that his father survived a German concentration camp in World War Two, while his mother was active in the French Resistance. (Ricardo notes that when he was a baby, his mother swaddled him in clothing made from pieces of a British parachute).

Apollo 17 astronaut Jack Schmitt by Ricardo GarijoHe developed two passions as a boy: the US Space Program, which regularly inspired his art, and the Second World War. He drew for most of his life, working full time as a freelancer in graphic media since 1980, and for DC Thomson since 1982.

"When I was little (and rather fat), I was convinced that the moon was full of Suchard chocolates, which were the ones I liked," he recalled of his passion for space flight in an interview for the blog Prensa Espacial in 2008. "A few years later, my father took me to see a real size replica of the Mercury capsule. Inside was a mannequin with face cast, dressed in a spacesuit... I remember that chilled me -- how small [the capsule] was, [the idea of the astronaut [up there in empty] space... I caught the fever of space [exploration]."

Over some 40 years, he drew thousands of pages of comics and illustrations - including strips for the DC Thomson's popular pocket digest SF title Starblazer - before joining the Commando team in 1991 with Issue 2469. "Another Tight Spot" released in early May 1991, which has never been reprinted.

"When we started the Robot Kid series on Starblazer we knew just the artist," recalls the title's editor, Bill Graham. "That was Garijo at his best. He interpreted the scripts superbly, combining great action with just the right level of humour. I loved his stuff. He’s a real loss."

In the 1990's Ricardo began creating comics for other European periodicals, his work published in Spain, France and Italy. More recently, he began publishing his own magazine, Gurbos en Extinción, conceived as a tribute to the old Argentinean comic creators. One story for Gurbos, published in 2002, was "Diario de Plaza Moreno" ("The Diary of Moreno Square"), a fantasy story about his own home town.

In his tribute to the creator, Steve Holland notes that Garijo was also a popular artist in Italy, where he drew for Lancio, and Spain, where he produced two volumes of erotic adventures, Carol entre Rejas (Carol in Jail) and Carol en Buenos Aires in 1991 for Ediciones La Cúpula.

Garijo was also an author, with several books published, including an account of his father’s experiences during the Spanish Civil War. His first novel, El Fuego ("The Fire"), published in 2004, won critical acclaim and award Tragically, his second novel, El cielo de Piedra ("The Sky Stone") has yet to be published, as has a short story, Los Trenes ("The Station") which won him first prize in a national competition in 2008.

ww2_s.jpgIn addition to his comics work and writing, he also illustrated picture cards, including the 2003 release Don't Let It Happen Here, a harrowing series portraying some of the worst of man's atrocities against man, and a 102 card set for Monsterwax, The Art of H. G. Wells, which includes scenes from War of the Worlds, The Time Machine and The Island of Dr. Moreau.

"Ricardo was a delight to work with," recalls DC Thomson's Bill McLoughlin. "He was always on time and his interpretation of stories excellent... He will be missed, but never forgotten."

Commando writer Ferg Handley made direct contact with Ricardo via his web site, and recalls him as "warm, gracious and friendly... It will always be one of my life’s regrets that I never got to meet him in person."

"I never forget any artist who has done his best to illustrate 63 pages of a Commando book. It's a difficult job, but Ricardo always did more than his best," recalls former Commando editor George Low. "He had talent, intelligence and ability... and he also had an enthusiasm which always shone through."

Ricardo Garijo, born 1954, died 4 October 2009, is survived by his wife, Adriana and three children, a boy and two girls.

Web Links

Ricardo Garijo: Official Web Site


Commando Magazine: Commando Artist Ricardo Garijo

Ricardo Garijo: The Commando Issues (list compiled by Vic Whittle)

News Report on Ricardo's Death from El Eco de Tandil (in Spanish)

Bear Alley Obituary by Steve Holland


Prensa Espacial, 26 February 2008 (in Spanish, about his astronaut portraits: Google Translate Link)

Card Work

Monsterwax War of the Worlds Card Images

Photograph from El Eco de Tandil, 4 October 2009. Commando art © DC Thomson. Other artwork © Ricardo Garijo.)

Accent UK Releases "Fastest Man" One Shot

Accent UK's Fastest Man One ShotA quick round up of news from top British indie Accent UK, whose latest Western anthology has now shipped and is in comic stores across the globe (Diamond Previews Order reference JUN090671 for those of you wanting to order from your local comic shop).

There other great anthologies -- Robots (MAR083379/OCT091814) and Wolfmen (SEP073278/OCT091815), featuring art from a huge range of ace British creators -- have also been re-listed in the UK section of October's Previews and are available for re-order for those who may have missed them first time round.

Available now from Accent is a new self-contained one shot, Whatever Happened to the World's Fastest Man?, which also appears in appearing in November’s Previews. Advance copies of the title from writer Dave West and artist Marleen Lowe received rave reviews and was Accent's fastest seller at the recent British International Comic Show in Birmingham.

In the tale - the first of the publisher's Cursed/Blessed imprint - a very large bomb is about to destroy a large area of London and Bobby Doyle has a decision to make. He has a fantastic ability which could save thousands of lives - but at what price to himself? Join Bobby as he faces the biggest decision of all in this acclaimed SciFi drama. You can view sample pages here

Accent UK’s next show will be London’s MCM Expo on 24 and 25th October 2009 when they will, with many other independent comic creator and publishers, be appearing in the MCM Comics Village.

• For all the latest info visit:

Tube Surfing: Anderson events, Dan Dare Toys and a Cartoon Classroom update

fanderson_convention_2010_tv21.jpg• Gerry Anderson official fan club Fanderson have announced they will be staging their first major convention for four years next year. TV21: Adventure in the 21st Century will be based at the Ramada Bristol City - the same venue as the Comics Expo - taking place on the weekend of Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th October 2010.

The event will feature special guests from the worlds of Gerry Anderson, screenings of favourite episodes and rare material on the big screen, workshops where you can develop your interest in the Anderson productions beyond reading the organisation's FAB Magazine and watching DVDs. There will be merchandise for sale and a stunning model and art exhibition, including many pieces not seen before at a Fanderson event. For more info, visit the Fanderson web site

MyFABYears.jpg• Talking of things Anderson, several downthetubes readers have been in touch to tell us that Sylvia Anderson, Gerry's former wife, is doing a tour of the UK next year, in conversation with musician David Courtney, to promote her new autobiographical book, My FAB Years, which has been out for a while. Prices vary between venues but are around £15 per person plus booking fees. The duration, according to one of the venues, is a remarkable two hours 20 minutes. More info here on David Courtney's web site: be patient, it seems to take a while for the page to load.

• Nick Barley has been named the new director of the Edinburgh International Book Festival, which annually brings more than 700 author events and over 200,000 visitors to its tented auditoriums on Charlotte Square, and has been talking up the possibility of comics guests at the major event. Talking to The Scotsman, Mr Barley, a former executive director of the Lighthouse architecture and design centre in Glasgow which sadly went into administration earlier this year, said experts could be brought in to run parts of the festival's programming, such as Scottish writer Grant Morrison for a section on graphic novels. We have to say that we're unaware of Mr Morrison making many appearances at Scottish writing events. Perhaps John and Sandra from Metaphrog would probably be a better call, or Alan Grant?

• During his interview, Mr Barley mentions The Death of Bunny Munro by musician and author Nick Cave, launched by Edinburgh-based publishing company Canongate as the world's first novel in the form of an iPhone application. Cave has composed a soundtrack tailor-made to complement the audio book of his new novel, working with musician Warren Ellis - not to be confused with comics writer Ellis and they appeared on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Monday to examine whether audio books are an unexploited medium. You can listen here for a few more days. Today is now asking for people to suggest a soundtrack for their favourite book - you can suggest Watchmen or The Ballad of Halo Jones here, perhaps...

Dan Dare action figures and spaceships are on their way, based on designs inspired by the original Frank Hampson character of Eagle fame. The products are the work of Day2Day Trading, who also hold licenses for characters such as Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon (an example of their work above, more here). Their work to date looks amazing - they kindly sent a stunning pre-production image of the Cyclops from their Sinbad range. Expect to see the new Dan Dare items in shops sometime next year.

• More events: Pádraig Ó Méalóid writes to say Friday & Saturday 28th & 29th May 2010 will see a conference in The University of Northampton called <em>Magus: Transdisciplinary approaches to the work of Alan Moore. More about it here. "I wrote to them to mention my interest in such matters and, to cut a long story short, I'll be there, giving a paper (i.e. a 20 minute talk) on Collecting Alan Moore." Also at this academic conference will be Gary Lloyd, who collaborated musically with Alan and also with Iain Banks.

The Cartoon Classroom is now fully up and running: if you registered before on this while it was being tested, co-organiser David Lloyd advises you will have to do so again now it's totally operational. "In these early days, what we need most of all is for colleges, schools, libraries, local museums and galleries to know about the site - so any help you can give with that would be invaluable," David asks. "And give us any info you think we should have on the site that you can't see there. Is there a gallery near you showing cartoon art, which isn't listed on our site or registered with us? Tell us. Tell them about us. Is a library offering cartoon workshops near you which isn't shown on our site? Tell us." Send info to

• Complied with thanks to Jeremy Briggs, Jay Mullins Katie Bleathman and Pádraig Ó Méalóid

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Exeter Comics Expo Announced

events_exeter_expo2010.jpgEver a glutton for punishment, Mike Allwood, considered the driving force behind the Bristol Comics Expo team, has announced he's also working on a one-day Comics Expo in Exeter, Devon, for early 2010, with artists Mike Ploog, David Lloyd and David Hine already lined up as just some of the guests.

Organised in association with the local council-supported Animated Exeter and Colchester-based Ace Comics, the Exeter Expo will take place on Saturday 13th February 2010 at the Southgate Mercure Hotel.

Headlining the event will be David Lloyd, who has a bibliography that spans from V for Vendetta to Hellblazer and his own crime-noir thriller, Kickback, and who has brought visual life to the work of Alan Moore, Jamie Delano, Garth Ennis and Grant Morrison, among others.

Mike Ploog is best known for his work on Marvel Comics' 1970s Man Thing, Monster of Frankenstein and Planet of the Apes series, and as the initial artist on the features Ghost Rider and Werewolf by Night. After many years away from the world of comics Mike returned with the critically acclaimed Thicker Than Blood series for Full Circle Publications.

David Hine has written for all the major US Comic companies, including Civil War and Son of M for Marvel, Brave and the Bold and Joker’s Asylum for DC Comics and is now working with fellow Brit Shaky Kane on their new Bullet Proof Coffin title from Image, which will be previewed at the Expo.

Also aboard are 2000AD and Wildstorm artist Lee Garbett, designer of the New Batgirl, Judge Dredd and Green Arrow Year One's Jock, writer Rob Williams and Shaky Kane.

• The Exeter Expo will run from 11.00am - 5pm. Entry £1 under 12'S Free with adult. For more info on the event, which will also feature retailers such as Ace Comics, Impact Books, Krackers Game Store and many others, and a small press section organised by Fallen Angel Media, a consortium of fringe artists and writers based in Bristol and the surrounding areas visit A dedicated web site will go live in November. Contact

Comics Revue Goes Bi-Monthly

cr_cover.jpgFans of US newspaper comic strips such as Flash Gordon and Al Williamson's Secret Agent Corrigan will already know about Comics Revue, but you may not know Manuscript Press has just re-launched the long-running magazine as a bi-monthly, with double the page count of the monthly title.

Comics Revue - available from all good comic shops and online - now has full colour Sundays, featuring The Phantom in "Return of the Sky Band", Russ Manning Tarzan, Mandrake the Magician, Flash Gordon by Harry Harrison and Dan Barry, Casey Ruggles by Warren Tufts, Little Orphan Annie, Steve Canyon and Gasoline Alley.

Daily strips include the first Mandrake story from 1934, Secret Agent Corrigan by Al Williamson, plus the Flash Gordon story "Star Over Atlantis", by Dan Barry.

• To order Comics Revue visit the magazine's web site ( or mail $45 for one year or $90 for two years (Orders outside US - US$60/US$120) to Manuscript Press, PO BOX 336, Mountain Home TN 37684 USA or pay using paypal to

Monday 12 October 2009

Leopard of Lime Street Fun...

A few years ago, UK indie publisher Starscape, run by Chris Smillie, licensed some of Buster's Leopard of Lime Street strips from Egmont.

"I made an ad for Starscape by using some images, making an animated comic," says Chris, which he's now re-posted on YouTube.

Leopard of Lime Street was a hugely popular strip in the 1970s and 80s, appearing in the weekly Buster comic, soon to get Egmont's "Classic Comic" treatment with a special due for release in December. In the strip a schoolboy photographer is bitten by a radioactive leopard and develops the powers of a fuly-grown jungle cat.

Sound familiar? The strip was, however, a lot more more juvenile than Marvel's Spider-Man: stories generally saw the Beast of Selbridge battle giant robots, common thugs and dopplegangers, plus his evil uncle, whilst all the time trying to contain his vicious leopard-like nature.